Alcester Broach

We are extremely pleased to advise that our Quality Management System has once again been re-certified to BS EN ISO 9001 , for the second consecutive audit with zero-defects (no non-conformances at all). This is 28 YEARS RUNNING at this level working with the professional team at NQA throughout all this time. The new certificate is available to download on our downloads page of the website

We are sorry this post is late arriving. We have tried to inform customers and suppliers the best possible prior to this, but this is official confirmation that the factory remains on lockdown since 27th March for 3 weeks therefore with the current intention of re-opening Monday 20th April. Of course in these difficult and unprecedented times this remains a fluid situation but we will try to post here in a more immediate fashion any changes to these plans. Email communications remain open as normal - or - and the mobiles of your current contacts will be answered where possible. Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.

We are pleased to assure all our customers that we are currently unaffected by the coronavirus outbreak and supplies continue as normal. Of course this is a very fluid situation and if any of our supply chain or staff are unfortunately affected so that the situation alters we will post further updates here.

We are very proud to advise that following a surveillance audit of our Quality Management System by highy respected accreditation body NQA on 31st October that no non-conformances were identified on the day, zero defects! Congratulations to the whole team at Alcester Broach for once again placing quality first.